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Youth Summit for World Evangelism

Wednesday , March 23, we will launch our Youth Summit (Cumbre Juvenil para el Evanglismo Mundial). 135 have signed up ranging from young teens to seasoned pastors who desire to be challenged in the area of taking the gospel to their communities in a proactive way.

We need your prayers in these areas:

Safety. We have pastors traveling from North Africa, Mexico, the United States, and Spain. We ask that you pray for protection during this busy time of year. This week is one of the most traveled in Spain as the Spaniards prepare for their religious holy week and processions.

Power. We will accomplish nothing without the presence and power of the Holy Spirit guiding and convicting hearts to bring about the change that He desires.

Open hearts. We are praying for humble and willing hearts who desire to be used of God to reach this world with the gospel.

Decisions. We are praying that God will call young people to the ministry and that He will ignite a passion for souls in their hearts.

Will you commit to praying with us and for us this week? We can do nothing without the power and presence of God.

Follow CJEM'16 on Facebook and Twitter to see updates of the Summit.


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