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July Update

Faithful attenders during our absence

We’ve spent the month of July visiting with many of our supporting churches on the east coast. We have been so encouraged by these visits. Our hearts have been blessed to see how many of you have faithfully prayed for our family, ministry, and individuals that we have listed in our prayer letters. We have such an incredible team of people who have partnered with us in prayer. So from the bottom of our hearts, thank you.

As we’ve travelled we’ve been able to stop in and spend some time with family as well. Gideon and Silas are enjoying spending time with cousins, and for Silas, meeting cousins for the first time.

Please continue to lift up our church in Spain in your prayers as well as our ministry partners. Mike and Jen Helton have done a wonderful job leading the church through these hot summer months. They have seen visitors attend and faithfulness in our regular attenders.

Pray for us as we travel. In the month of July we logged over 7,000 miles so please pray for our protection as we travel and spend a lot of time on the highways as we travel across the United States.

May the Lord bless you as you continue to faithfully serve Him and strive to reach the lost with the good news of salvation.


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